VAF is one of the few schools in North America offering instruction in fencing with the 16th- & 17th-century sword known as the Rapier.
The Rapier was the dueling weapon of the Renaissance. It was a weapon of distinction, carried by gentlemen as a means of self-defense and honor. This style of fencing is characterized by its quickness and precision. VAF's Historical Swordsmanship program focuses on the Italian school of Rapier fencing, which was one of the most influential styles. Our primary focus is on the tradition of the Italian master Salvator Fabris, whose teachings were recorded and practiced by both commoners and kings all over Europe.
Students in VAF's Beginning Historical Swordsmanship classes are introduced to the basic stances, guards and techniques of Italian Rapier combat. They may then go on to study Rapier fencing at the Intermediate and Advanced levels, where they learn more advanced techniques and also study related arts of fighting with the dagger and Renaissance staff.
We offer both Youth and Teen & Adult classes. New to Historical Swordsmanship? Click here to get started.